Early childhood education at Magno International School is a nurturing experience for children aged three to six. We focus on every child’s happiness and well-being because we understand that this is a fundamental stage in childhood development emotionally and physically, as well as academically.

We strive to make this process as smooth and calm as possible through an environment where they feel happy, attended to, and cared for. We aim for learning through discovery, where our pupils play a leading role, always promoting the development of emotional intelligence as a foundation for future learning.

We also pay great attention to the development of our pupils, teaching and demonstrating basic skills such as language (both English and Spanish), motor skills, hygiene habits, and socialisation. Additionally, we ensure that they acquire fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics.

Specific skills we nurture in Early Years

From day one, our qualified teachers in English education promote English skills in both written and oral forms. In addition to English, we also focus on mathematics as a fundamental skill at this stage.

Our expert teachers approach instruction with a multisensory focus, and among other things, pupils will learn the following:

Learning Through Play

Play is the central axis of our curriculum. Through playful activities, children learn in a natural and fun way, developing cognitive, social, and emotional skills.

Manipulation and Exploration

We encourage the manipulation of materials and active exploration of the environment, which facilitates the understanding of abstract concepts through concrete experiences and promotes curiosity and discovery.

Multisensory Learning

We incorporate multisensory learning, allowing children to use all their senses to interact with the world. This approach enhances information retention and supports different learning styles.

Language Immersion

Activities are conducted in English, fostering total immersion in the language. All areas are taught in English except for literacy, which is taught in Spanish. We offer German and French classes, providing early exposure to multiple languages and cultures.

Music, Swimming, and Psychomotricity

Music, violin, and piano classes enrich the artistic and musical development of the children. Psychomotricity and swimming promote physical development and coordination, in addition to being fun and healthy activities.

School garden

The school garden is a fantastic educational tool where children learn about nature, responsibility, and the life cycle of plants. This hands-on experience reinforces scientific concepts and promotes healthy habits.

Active Methodologies

We use active methodologies such as project-based learning and cooperative learning. Projects allow children to investigate and learn deeply about topics of interest, while cooperative learning fosters collaboration and teamwork.

We seek the holistic development of our little ones and pay great attention to the development of basic skills such as language (both English and Spanish), motor skills, hygiene habits, and socialisation. We also ensure that our pupils acquire fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics.


When it comes to assessment, we use a competency-based approach that focuses on observing and evaluating the overall development of the children, considering their cognitive, social, emotional, and motor skills. Through playful and everyday activities, we gather information on how the children solve problems, interact with their peers, express their emotions, and navigate their environment. This assessment is continuous and flexible, adapting to each child's individual characteristics, and its primary aim is to identify their strengths and areas for improvement to provide personalised education that enhances their holistic growth.